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Join Us

The aim of Blockchain Application and Investment Alliance (BCAIA)  is to promote the application of blockchain. With the rise of blockchain technology, BCAIA provides an open platform for  learning and exchanging ideas to encourage innovative application of blockchain technology. Also, to enhance the effectiveness of integration in traditional industry and BlockChain technology, for meeting the new era of Global FinTech wave.

BCAIA regularly organizes trainings on blockchain and co-organizes blockchain-related EMBA, MBA and doctoral degree programs. Members can also use the authentication system established by blockchain technology to create a personal website which can record your own resume and experience which cannot be edited by others.

Individual Membership

Divides into Member and Life Member.

Member would need to pay for a membership fee of HKD 500 annually, whereas Life Member would need to pay for a single membership fee payment of HKD 2,500.

Individual Membership Application Form

Company Membership

Divides into Company Member and Life Company Member.

Company Member would need to pay for a membership fee of HKD 2,000 annually, whereas Life Company Member would need to pay for a single membership fee payment of HKD 10,000.

Company Membership Application Form

Download our APP

Members can use the authentication system established by blockchain technology to create a personal website which can record your own resume and experience which cannot be edited by others.

To download the APP, please search "BCAIA" through Apple App Store/Google Play™ OR scan the QR Codes below to download.


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